Shifting The Balance: Grades 3-5
Online NDIf you are a teacher, coach, interventionist, or school leader who wants to make sure literacy practices make it easier, not harder, for children to learn to read, this course…
If you are a teacher, coach, interventionist, or school leader who wants to make sure literacy practices make it easier, not harder, for children to learn to read, this course…
Take an honest second look at current literacy practices, bravely considering the question, ÒWhat needs to shift?Ó Unpack the why and the how behind each of the six critical shifts…
Join the Foreign Language Association of North Dakota (FLAND) for the book study course, "How to Teach AI." In this book study course, participants will participate in a book study…
Focuses on best practices for reaching American Indian students and families along with providing significant Native American Cultural Competence content and culturally responsive practices.
An opportunity for teachers to explore a variety of technology tools designed to enhance teaching and learning experiences inside and outside the classroom. Gain hands-on experience with well-established applications that…
Obtain a deeper understanding and appreciation for Science Fiction. Go past spaceships and lasers and explore how authors use Science Fiction to examine the human condition and illuminate the struggles…
Read all of the books recognized for the Newbery Award in 2024. Covers both fiction and nonfiction material targeted for high-level students from 4th-8th grade. You will be required to…
The study of variation in word meanings and the sets of characteristics that define a word's category, as well as the common implicit rules that guide verbal exchanges. Students will…
The study of the anatomy of speech articulation, including place and manner of articulation of speech sounds. Students will learn basic patterns and sound systems within languages and the rules…
The study of the structure and function of pieces of words, as well as the structure and function of pieces of sentences. Students will learn about word roots and the…
You are invited to take an honest second look at current literacy practices, bravely considering the question, "What needs to shift?" Unpack the why and the how behind six critical…
You are invited to take an honest second look at current literacy practices, bravely considering the question, "What needs to shift?" Unpack the why and the how behind six critical…
Focuses on cognitive and cognitive-behavioral interventions (often lumped together under the rubric "social skills") with an emphasis on teaching students how to adapt, change and manage their own behavior.Ê
Provides information on the history of the disorder, accepted methods to assess and identify students with the disorder, and various treatment methods that are currently being used to treat the…
Provides information on the characteristics of the disorder, learning styles associated with the disorder, communication weaknesses, and various intervention strategies that have proven to be successful when working with students…
Behavioral techniques and intervention strategies that remediate disruptive behaviors, reduce power struggles while increasing classroom control and reduce your workloads and burnout.
Learn how to build genuine bonds between yourself and your students and between students and their classmates, to create Òkindred classhomesÓ with a foundation of acceptance, respect, and shared purpose.…
Understand the special learning needs of the abused or neglected child, and how to meet those needs in the regular classroom.ÊWork with parents and community agencies is also emphasized.
Cognia is proud to partner with NDCEL and NDDPI to provide this professional learning program for North Dakota leaders. This professional learning for leaders is designed to support a variety…
This workshop will consist of a review of accreditation standards, team building skills and the process of reviewing evidence and making recommendations in conducting and serving as a member of…
Receive hands-on training at your school (or via video). There are many topics to choose from covering the latest trends of technology in today's classrooms.
Provides a contextual framework for understanding what students may be experiencing through their own substance use or the impact of substance use around them. Understand a multitude of complex dynamics…
Provides conceptual frameworks for working with families of children from a variety of backgrounds. An emphasis on family-centered practices designed to help early childhood professionals involve and support families in…
Explores observation and assessment instruments, as well as recommended practices and available resources for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.
Gives you a new perspective on planning and implementing developmentally appropriate practices for young children from birth through age eight.
Covers development during the first six years of life and research-based best practices in early learning with an emphasis on individual differences, cultural influences, and the impact of developmental delay…
Outlines procedures for designing or selecting, administering, scoring, and interpreting a variety of informal assessment measures for use in schools. A range of informal assessment measures in the academic, social…
Provides foundational concepts that must be considered to effectively integrate technology into your classroom.
Gain a better understanding of the concept of evaluating and assessing English language learners.
Discusses definitions and the personal, social, and legal ramifications associated with sexual harassment, bullying, and cyber-intimidation. Explores preventative strategies as well as how school staff can address these issues when…
Learn about the continuum of placements school systems can use in providing special education and related services to students with disabilities. Identifies and describes the roles and responsibilities of special…
Outlines procedures for designing or selecting, administering, scoring, and interpreting a variety of informal assessment measures for use in schools. A range of informal assessment measures in the academic, social…
Helps you understand and identify your role as a child care provider, educator, and early childhood professional. Provides you with research-based information on child development, attachment, temperament, and curriculum.
Educators often have to learn new information and skills in order to support students and their families. We learn things like how to use a new software or application, operate…
Educators often have to learn new information and skills in order to support students and their families. We learn things like how to use a new software or application, operate…
Provides an introduction to the field of Learning Disabilities for special education teachers, general classroom teachers, integration teachers and related professionals, especially those working in the areas of language, psychology…
Explores myths and misconceptions concerning reading instruction and remediation. Presents an evaluation checklist designed to assess the effectiveness of your current reading program.
Lays the foundation for effective reading instruction. Learn about the elements of effective instruction. It is important that all teachers have a firm understanding of effective instructional procedures.
Focuses on learning to read, reading to learn, and an introduction to reading assessment. As part of these two key areas of reading instruction, the five elements of effective reading…
Provides an introduction to the Response to Intervention process for special education teachers, general classroom teachers, parents, and related professionals.
Focuses on why teaching writing is an essential skill for life, and gives theory and practical steps to implement the six traits of writing in any classroom.
Students who have strong social and emotional skillsets will be more successful in the classroom and in life in general. Examine the five SEL competenciesÑself-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills,…
Learn internal and external factors that place a child at risk, how heredity and environment affect a childÕs development, the characteristics of various risk factors, and interventions for each risk…
Gives the learner an understanding of ways to meet the affective needs of the gifted and talented student in the regular classroom and lists resources for teachers and parents who…
Emphasizes understanding how studentsÕ learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, disabilities, gender, language, culture, family, and community values.
Explore an innovative teaching model that incorporates strategies for teaching concepts constructively and contextually. Gain a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts of various math topics and explore the principles…
Explore an instructional methodology that incorporates strategies for teaching concepts, constructively, and contextually. Focuses on the topics of integers, fractions, factoring, and functions.
Understand the special learning needs of students who are experiencing stress, trauma or violence in their life and how to meet their needs in the regular classroom.
Provides an opportunity to learn about an instructional framework, Differentiated Instruction (DI), aimed at creating supportive learning environments for diverse learning populations.
Consider the many forms of aggression, both criminal and otherwise; its costs and motivation; its perpetrators and targets; its likely and unlikely locations; its impact on our schools, the children;…
Provides a foundational understanding of violence and the motivational purposes behind aggression. Learn identification and intervention approaches for working with out-of-control behaviors.
Learn what is meant by Differentiated Instruction (DI) and the common myths associated with creating the differentiated classroom. Discuss the legal, theoretical, and pedagogical foundations in the field of education…
Educators will navigate the use of assessments to guide students in learning, provide ongoing feedback, plan growth opportunities, evaluate achievement, and advance students to the next level. To navigate assessment…